The C3 Boot Camp is targeted towards postdoctoral scholars and clinical fellows in cancer, but anyone associated with UCSF is eligible to apply. Mornings will include lectures from experts in the field covering the topics below, while afternoons will be focused on a week-long hands-on project.
- Transcriptomics including bulk and single cell RNA-seq technology and analytic techniques
- Genomics including GWAS, whole genome sequencing, whole exome sequencing, and cancer panel studies
- Proteomics technologies, resources and network analysis
- Statistics and analytic methods including batch effects adjustment, dimension reduction and clustering, and enrichment and pathway analysis
- State of the art talks from UCSF researchers
The Computational Cancer Boot Camp is free of charge to participants due to the generous sponsorship of the Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center and the Bakar Computational Health Sciences Institute.
- Adam Olshen, PhD
- Alex Pico, PhD
- Franklin Huang, MD PhD
- Karla Lindquist, PhD
- Scooter Morris, PhD